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The main task of the school is the mental preparation of football players - the disclosure and strengthening of mental strength, which, like physical strength, requires constant pumping up and work on oneself. As a person who has played at the goal for over 20 years and knows football from the inside, I will be glad to share my experience, practical knowledge in the field of mental preparation.    

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The mental stability of a football player is the key to the success of the entire team. The effectiveness of the whole match depends on his ability to withstand internal fears, doubts and not fall into football "traps", on his conscious understanding that the demonstration of his abilities on the football field is a consequence and reflection of his inner game with himself.  


The main task is to develop mental abilities and strengthen the mental strength of the player in order to achieve optimal sports results. - 2021-11-11T140143.746.gif - 2021-11-11T131701.380.gif - 2021-11-11T140050.644.gif

What can you buy?


  Developing self-confidence

Formation of healthy self-esteem and correct attitude to what is happening.  


Psychological resilience

Strengthening stress tolerance and resilience in conditions of pressure and stress.  


  Developing a Winner's Mindset

Development of individual strategies of behavior and winning internal attitudes and positions, building the internal position of the winner.


Improving communication and team interaction

Improving the quality of interaction with partners and the coach, determining personal motivation and developing the ability to contribute to team goals.  

Strengthening mental skills

Ability to manage your condition, strengthening mental strength for quick recovery from mistakes, defeats and to achieve maximum efficiency on the field.  


Analysis of the current mental state of the athlete: identification of strengths and weaknesses.

Effective psychological impact on athletes, maintaining their self-confidence and will to win is an important part of a coach's work.  


The main task of cooperation is the development of coaches (or coaching staff), assistance in applying the principles of mental preparation to create a mentally strong team. 

MENTAL PREPARATION FOR COACHES - 2021-11-11T140143.746.gif - 2021-11-11T131701.380.gif - 2021-11-11T140050.644.gif - 2021-11-11T135451.958.gif

What will you get?

  Assisting in the implementation of a common team goal
Assistance in identifying individual motives, goals, values of each athlete and combining them into a common team goal.

Creating a supportive atmosphere
Assistance in creating a favorable working environment for the successful and efficient implementation of individual and team tasks.

Improving communication and team interaction 
Improving the quality of interaction between the coaching staff and the players.


Development of personality
Developing the ability of the coaching staff to properly stimulate and maintain the progress of each player while maintaining their individuality in team play.

Practical tools
Provide trainers with work tools and mental preparation exercises.


Feedback based on observation during games and training.


The main task in working with teams is to strengthen the mental strength of everyone in the team, which, like physical strength, requires constant pumping up and systematic work aimed at achieving a stable result and demonstrating a high level of play - 2021-11-11T140143.746.gif - 2021-11-11T131701.380.gif - 2021-11-11T140050.644.gif - 2021-11-11T135451.958.gif

What will you get?

Assisting in the implementation of a common team goal
Assistance in identifying individual motives, goals, values of each player and combining them into a common team goal.

Creating a supportive atmosphere
Assistance in creating a favorable team atmosphere for the development of players, the implementation of team tasks and increasing overall team efficiency.

Player development

Strengthening the psychological stability of the players, revealing the winner's mindset.  


Development of trainers

Training of trainers in practical skills and elements of mental preparation and implementation into the work process.  


Improving communication and team interaction 
Improving communication skills in the team, between the players and the coaching staff.
Leading team

  Strengthening stress tolerance and resistance in conditions of pressure and stress, building a combat-ready team capable of consistently demonstrating a high level of play

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