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Mental Training in Football


Having technically savvy experienced players in the team is not yet a guaranteed advantage in the championship race. 


Match outcome and the implementation of the tactical and strategic tasks of the team during the games depend on the mental strength of the players: his psychological stability and ability to resist fears and doubts, his ability not to fall into well-known mental and emotional traps, a conscious understanding that everything that happens on the field is a consequence and a reflection of his inner state.


Weak mental strength, i.e. ignorance of how to cope with emotions, fears, doubts, the high pace of the championship pressure, and increasing responsibility, will be hugely reflected in the low-quality, unstable player's game. 


As a licensed goalkeeper coach, a qualified consultant in sports psychology, and a person who has played football for more than a dozen years, I see the need and necessity to pay special attention to the mental preparation of football players because a mentally strong players is a guarantee of success for the whole team.

Regards, Founder, Mental Training in Football 

Yerzhan Sergazin

Founder, Mental Training in Football 

The school's method of operation is based on the theory of the "Four states of the internal game of football" and the methodology "The Art of Attention Management", the author of which is  Yerzhan Sergazin.


Yerzhan Sergazin is a former Ex Pro GK with 20 years of playing  practice in Kazakhstan, Poland, Norway. Today he is a goalkeeping coach (UEFA Goalkeeping “A” License), a sports psychologist who advises both sportsmen and football teams.

The school's method of work is a systematic work aimed at achieving a result.

The use of this technique contributes to the development of awareness on the field and the formation of the winner's mindset. - 2021-11-11T131701.380.gif - 2021-11-11T135451.958.gif - 2021-11-11T140143.746.gif - 2021-11-11T140050.644.gif



Yerzhan Sergazin's book "The Goalkeeper's Inner Game"
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